revised (spring 2003) by the National Church Council of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada and the Council of General Synod of the Anglican Church of Canada

When an appointment is contemplated the following process shall be followed with the Terms of Appointment defined:


Only clergy in good standing with their own church are eligible for appointments. Normally, such an appointment would not be offered as a first call/appointment.


When an appointment of priest or pastor to a congregation of the other church is contemplated, it must have the approval of both bishops concerned. The initiative may come from an ordained person, the local ministry setting, or the bishop.


  • If priest or pastor wishes to be available for an appointment in the other church, that person should contact his/her own bishop who then consults with the counterpart bishop.
  • If the initiative is from the congregation or other ministry setting, the responsible persons contact their own bishop, who then consults with the counterpart bishop.
  • If the bishop of a synod/diocese wishes to appoint a pastor/priest of the other church, that bishop contacts the appropriate bishop of the other church.
  • A full curriculum vitae of ministry and ordination history shall be provided to the receiving bishop.
  • A police letter of record and a child abuse registry check shall be provided to the receiving bishop.
  • The receiving bishop issues a letter of appointment setting out the terms of the appointment.
  • The appointment shall be marked liturgically as soon as possible to the beginning date of the appointment and other foundational documents using appropriate forms, e.g. “Installation of a Pastor” or “Celebration of a New Ministry”, and adapting as necessary for the circumstances.

Terms of Appointment

Terms of appointment shall include:

  • Length of the appointment
  • Remuneration, including housing, travel, pension and benefits
  • Salary/stipend shall be according to the scale of the receiving synod/diocese. The salary source is responsible for provision of housing or an allowance in lieu thereof, and travel reimbursement, both according to the scale of the receiving church.
  • Pension, Long Term Disability and Continuing Education contributions will be paid into the plan(s) of the originating church. Other benefits (e.g. group health) will normally be according to the plan(s) of the originating church but may be negotiated between the two bodies, as these plans vary from one synod/diocese to another. Any details can be negotiated by the employing and sending bishops in consultation with the pension and benefits departments of the two churches.
  • Vacation, days off, educational leave and sabbatical leave shall be in accordance with the policy of the receiving church.
  • Provision for review after one year under the polity and practice of the receiving diocese/synod


  • The receiving bishop shall appoint a mentor to assist the clergy person in acquiring a working knowledge of the polity and practice of the receiving church, and to be available as a resource during the course of the appointment.
  • Items to be included in orientation shall include at least (as appropriate):
    • Constitutions/canons of congregation, synod/diocese and national church
    • ELCIC Statement on Sacramental Practices
    • Any guidelines presently in effect in the synod/diocese and national church
    • Conduct of worship and pastoral care in that church
    • Introduction to the theological emphases of the receiving church
  • The mentor shall conduct an exit interview at the end of the appointment and ensure that appropriate parish records have been kept.


  • All persons appointed under this guideline are subject to the discipline of the receiving church and shall be required to comply with all applicable regulations in effect in that church, including canons/constitutions, policies and guidelines. If matters of discipline arise the receiving bishop shall not institute proceedings until notice has been given to the bishop of the sending church and that bishop has given consent for proceedings to be instituted. The sending bishop shall either give consent or institute proceedings in the sending church. Deposition/removal from roster may only be imposed by the sending church.
  • Process for early termination will be according to the regulations in force in the receiving church, with a report made to the originating church. Consultation between the two bishops is encouraged throughout such a process.



  • Handbook of General Synod Canon XVIII on Discipline
  • Sexual Harassment Policy
  • House of Bishops Guidelines
  • Applicable provincial and diocesan policies


  • ELCIC Constitution, Article 7; By-laws Part 3
  • ELCIC Manual for Discipline of Ministers
  • Sexual Harassment Policy
  • Applicable synodical policies
