Total $139,941—20 projects

ABTech Development and the Kwakiutl Band—Port Hardy, B.C.
First Nations Children and Family: The Healing Journey Conference & Book
To research traditional values and beliefs as they relate to First Nations Child rearing and the families role and responsibilities; to write and publish a book on research findings; and to incorporate the book First Nations Children & Family: The Healing Journey into existing parenting programs.  (Diocese of British Columbia)

Assembly of Manitoba ChiefsSelkirk, Man.
Healing and Restoring Balance Conference      
Healing and Restoring Balance is the theme for this three day Residential Schools Gathering and Workshops at the Selkirk Healing Centre.  Focus will be on the healing work needed by individuals, families and communities in their recovery from R.S. trauma…in Anger Mgmt, Humor, Writing, Letting Go, Sweats, Circles, Sexual Abuse and Caregivers.   (Diocese of Rupert’s Land)

Blue Quills First Nations College and Saddle Lake First Nation, Alta.
Residential School Legacy Forum
Blue Quills First Nations College will host a forum to provide the residential school survivors and their families an opportunity to voice their opinions as to how to go about developing a Healing strategy that will meet their needs.  (Diocese of Edmonton)

Canadian Bible Society/Montreal District—Montreal, Que.
Tehatiwennatenie’s Ne Rawenniio’ Raowenna Kanehsatake – Mohawk Translators for the Lord’s Word
In the past translation was done for and by Mohawk people in cooperation with various denominations working in Mohawk Territory.  Presently all of the New Testament in the Mohawk language is available except II Corinthians plus Isaiah of the Old Testament.  These Sacred writings have been used well and revisions are necessary to standardize the accepted written language by all the Mohawk communities and in keeping with the rich meanings of the old words.  Reviving of the Mohawk Scriptures would have a very powerful effect and keep the language from slipping away.  (Diocese of Montreal)

Diocese of Keewatin—Keewatin, Ont.
Strategies for Healing Conference Northwestern Ontario & Manitoba 
A conference calling one person from each northern Ontario and Manitoba community who has resident survivors of abuse perpetrated by a former Anglican priest, Ralph Rowe.  This conference will seek input on the development of strategies to assist survivors in the healing journey.   (Diocese of Keewatin)

Diocese of Keewatin—Keewatin, Ont.
Vision, Ethics, Healing and Reconciliation
Priest’s Council with Bishop in Big Beaver House, Ontario
Now you are called to work as a pastor, priest, and teacher, together with your Bishop and fellow presbyters, and to take your share in the councils of the church.” pg 646 of BAS.  “How can priests work most effectively as healers and reconcilers with the residential school syndrome?” will be the major focus for this gathering of all ordained women and men.  (Diocese of Keewatin)

Diocese of Rupert’s Land/Inner City Internship ProgramWinnipeg, Man.
An ecumenical inner city ministry with youth
The Anglican diocesan youth ministry and United Church neighbours working together on a summer youth Inner City Internship project.  Young people from different socio-economic and cultural backgrounds will learn in community sharing their life experiences, quality of life enriched through their growth in faith and outreach.  (Diocese of Rupert’s Land)

Indian Nations—Saskatoon, Sask.
Residential Schools Victims Counselling Services Training
To create a “pool” of individuals who can act as a resource to the community projects and victims’ groups      who have expertise in both traditional and contemporary counselling techniques.  These individuals will  be made available to group counselling projects as well as for individual counselling of victims as the treatment unfolds in the Saskatchewan Region. (Diocese of Saskatoon)

Fort Severn First Nation—Fort Seven, Ont.
Community Healing from the Effects of the Residential School Syndrome
To “heal the body and mind through communications” about the personal experiences, effects, and healing strategies involved in community members and their families who are survivors of residential school abuse.   This project will provide a network of professionals, services and training, resource materials, and travel.  (Diocese of Keewatin)

Henry Budd College for Ministry—The Pas, Man.
A Gospel Music Jamboree & Healing Conference Phase II
A weekend conference in The Pas & Opaskwayak Cree Nation continue with a theme of Healing and a variety of workshops on issues of abuse, loss, healing and drawing in people from the whole region with a Gospel Music Jamboree.  (Diocese of Brandon)

Maleceet First Nation—Viger, Caouna, Que.
Conference of relocated/displaced Aboriginal Communities
This Canada wide conference of 100 individuals from relocated/displaced communities will provide them with accurate. Information on overcoming the compound effects of residential schools and past relocations/displacements and to heal the wounds.  To provide a platform on which to develop a comprehensive strategy related to their quest for a healing process.  (Diocese of Quebec)

Maison Waseskun HouseMontreal, Que.
Responding to the Circle: Gathering Wisdom, Strength, Partners, and Purpose   
Maison Waseskun House is hosting this Gathering at St. Alphonse de Rodriquez in the Laurentian foothills north of Montreal. This landmark event will be celebrating the 10th anniversary as the only totally Aboriginal healing centre for male and female residents referred by federal and provincial correctional institutions.  Elders are assisting the residents in the construction of a traditional village, sweatlodges, tipis for circles and workshops, teaching lodges, an arbor for drumming and dancing, and a traditional Inuit meeting place.   This grant will aid in food and travel.  (Diocese of Montreal)

Mountain Cree Camp Syllabics Institute—Edmonton, Alta.
Cree Syllabics Translation Project
To build upon the Mountain Cree School Curriculum development, by enhancing a history conducive to the Cree oral traditional associated with the provenance of the Cree syllabary developed by pioneering Anglican missionary of western Canada.  (Diocese of Edmonton)

Our Mother’s Guiding Hand Society—Chase, B.C.
Education, Healing and Reconciliation Programs Training for Counsellors
Assisting twenty trainees to work towards the Aboriginal Trauma Certificate from the Justice Institute of British Columbia.  Trainees come from:  Mission, Nanaimo, Mt. Currie area, Kelowna, Adams Lake Reserve, Neskonlith Reserve, Little Shuswap Reserve, Kamloops Reserve, Vernon Reserve, Merritt Reserve, Cape Mudge Reserve.  (Diocese of Kootenay)

Sexqeltqin Health Centre Adams Lake Band—Chase, B.C.
Community Wellness and Healing Programs
Programs leading to holistic healing and wellness that support and empower the people to overcome the trauma of loss of lifestyle, tradition, culture, and language are to be developed.  Included will be learned skills of parenting and shared community.  To find strength of faith, and spirituality which give sense of values and hope for the future.  (Diocese of Kootenay)

Six Nations of the Grand River Health ServicesOhsweken, Ont.

Nurturing Through Trauma Art Therapy Group
A traditional First Nations Social Worker and Private Individual, Relationship & Family Therapist will be engaged to learn first hand & provide art therapy group to enable First Nations people seeking healing from past traumas to vent, explore & grieve.  This project will encourage & teach healthier coping mechanisms that enhance self-acceptance, self-control and on-going resolution. Enhance self-expression, communications, & coping skills & develop support from others.    (Diocese of Huron)

Split Lake Cree First Nation Health Department—Split Lake, Man.
Bridging Wisdom of the Elders and Vision of the Youth
Following on ‘The Sacred Walk for Healing’ and the Bishop’s vision of healing and wellness for all people affected by the legacy of the residential school experience this gathering attempts to bridge the gap between elders and youth for healing of self, families and community through the catechist school, workshops, counselling sessions & gospel music jamboree.  (Diocese of Keewatin)

U’mista Cultural Society & Aboriginal Neighbours—Alert Bay, B.C.
Production of hymnals in the Kwak’wala orthography
The U’mista Cultural society identified the need for the production of 1,000 hymnals containing fifty-seven hymns in the Kwak’wala orthography.  This will enable the younger generation who have learned their language in the Kwak’wala orthography.  Hymnals will be used in church, teaching aid in schools, funerals, weddings in Kwakwaka’wakw communities of the north end of Vancouver Island.  (Diocese of British Columbia)

Wawa Native Network Information Centre—Wawa, Ont.
A Manual of Information and Services for the Community  
Seven weeks of research and interviews to develop and design a manual of information and services for the Aboriginal community and all services providers in the urban area of Wawa, Ontario.  This resource will cover Residential School Legacy-history, effects and solutions; Alcohol/Drug/Substance Abuse; Family Violence; Health; Traditional Culture; Crime-Violence; Sexuality; Activities for youth & elders; Caring for our Elders; Parent/Child Interaction.   (Diocese of Algoma)

Women’s Wellness Planning Committee—Thompson, Man.
Fire Keepers: A Wellness Conference for Women and Their Communities
Women’s Wellness Conference for June 4-6/99 Planned by several community agencies of Thompson
Fire Keepers in honour of the important role that women play in keeping their families nurtured and strong.  It is believed that as women heal, they will be able to use their strength to heal those around them.  This conference is not restricted to women only, Workshops will focus upon:  Spiritual Health, Menopause for Men, History, Culture, Racism & Healing, Traditional Cooking, Parenting in Separation & Divorce, Fetal Alcohol Syndrome, Crafting, Suicide.  (Diocese of Keewatin)