The Consultation was a fluid group of bishops from eight African Provinces, The Anglican Church of Canada, The Church of England, The Scottish Episcopal Church and The Episcopal Church. For over a decade, bishops worked to mend relations and build understanding among parts of the Communion that had been in intense conflict. The first Consultation was held in London UK, in February 2010. The consultation took place every year in different parts of the Communion, until the final event in Zanzibar, in February 2020.

That We May Be One

A Guide to Intercultural Conversations

Reports and information from the consultation

This Guide to Intercultural Conversations is a gift to the Anglican Communion from The Consultation of Anglican Bishops in Dialogue. It comprised a full guide, a short guide, and a series of videos.

Download the Guide

Full guide (17 page PDF)
Short guide (4 page PDF)
Brochure (2 page PDF)

The video, We are One (above), expresses the changing context, experience and insights of participating bishops, and can be used to raise awareness, prompt reflection, and support dialogue processes. It is also available on YouTube, Vimeo, and as a downloadable video.

The Consultation had its beginnings at the 2008 Lambeth Conference, when the Anglican Communion was deeply divided over issues of same-sex unions and larger questions of Scriptural interpretation.  At this conference Archbishop Colin Johnson of Toronto and the Rev. Canon Dr. Isaac Kawuki Mukasa, a Ugandan-Canadian priest then serving in the diocese of Toronto and later with General Synod and General Convention, invited informal conversation with African bishops. For several years, interested participants exchanged theological correspondence, first on human sexuality and then mission. The Consultation of Anglican Bishops in Dialogue subsequently met in person 11 times (2010-2020) concluding with a final Testimony to the 2021 Lambeth Conference.  Close to 60 different bishops and Primates participated.

Offering a valuable supplement to the testimonies produced by the Consultation of Anglican Bishops in Dialogue, a series of reflections by bishops from across the Anglican Communion add further commentary and critique as African, North American, English and Scottish bishops move forward in their ongoing conversation. Read an introduction and the reflections here.

Contact:  Dr. Andrea Mann, Director, Global Relations