A small group at St. Peter’s Campbell River

With hope and a prayer that reaches from sea to sea to sea that we would show love for God’s Creation as we love one another.  That we would listen to the warnings of the Inuit of the warming of the Arctic, the changes in the animals, the starving polar bears, and the shifting migratory … Continued

Diocese of British Columbia Clergy Day

Let us make the heart sing by: Gathering around in times of disaster, united in love Hearing stories deeply Speaking truth to power Behaving as Christians in speaking out – avoiding aggression, incendiary rhetoric and offensive language Standing courageously for what is right Moving conversations beyond rhetoric and looking at ways of honouring different opinions

St. Philip, Cedar B.C.

Jesus, you show Oneness with the Father, grace us in the unity of your compassion, that we may know ourselves embedded in the whole of creation. Let your compassionate Spirit of love flow through us so that all good gifts may grow; that we, both in the church and in the world, may know Oneness … Continued