I greet you in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Greetings first of all to you who have come from every part of this wonderful land – chosen by your diocese as delegates to this Synod. I trust that you feel a deep loyalty to and pride in your local church and … Continued
I write to share something of this moment in the life of the Anglican Church of Canada. In this troubling time we are faced with litigation so costly as to change radically our structures and our life as a national church. But the time is also profoundly hopeful; God leads us ever deeper into the path of healing and new life.
The Primate of the Anglican Church of Canada has expressed support for a bishop who has decided to delay action on the blessing of same sex unions for two years. Archbishop Michael Peers said that the decision by New Westminster Bishop Michael Ingham to delay a decision pending further dialogue was a responsible one, which … Continued
The Primate of the Anglican Church of Canada says he cannot support armed intervention against Iraq and has urged the Canadian government to seek alternatives to military strikes. Specifically, Archbishop Michael Peers said in a statement that Ottawa should use its position on the United Nations Security Council to press for the development of international … Continued
For the last three weeks I’ve been living among 750 Anglican bishops gathered at the University of Kent in Canterbury, England, for the Lambeth Conference, an event that happens only once every ten years. We’ve spent most of our time in bible study, prayer and worship, but we’ve also considered issues that are important in the life of Canada, and of the world.
Minaki, ON Sunday, August 8, 1993 — The primate of the Anglican Church of Canada has apologized to aboriginal Anglicans for the “pain and hurt” they experienced in church-run residential schools. “I have felt shame and humiliation as I have heard of suffering inflicted by my people, and as I think of the part our … Continued
April 20, 1989 Dear Mr. Prime Minister: I urge you to intervene in the present crisis regarding post secondary education for Native Students. The situation has grown much worse since I wrote to you on April 10th. A number of non-fasting students, the National Chief and other chiefs met with the Minister of Indian Affairs, … Continued