A call to prayer for the people of Fort McMurray

As wildfires ravage the City of Fort McMurray, l ask for the prayers of the whole church. This is a terrifying time for the residents, all of whom have had to evacuate. I think particularly of how stressful this is for those who are critically ill and those who tend them under these very difficult circumstances.

Pray for all who are fleeing the fires that they may travel in safety.

Pray for those who will receive them in emergency shelters.

Pray for those who, against all odds given the unusually high seasonal temperatures and high winds, are battling the blaze and attempting to curtail its reach.

Pray for all the firefighters, police and emergency service workers. These are exhausting days for them.

Pray for all who face the loss of their homes, businesses, and livelihoods.

Pray for all who are trying to protect City Hall and other public service buildings with an eye to the huge task of rebuilding the city in time.

Let us continue to hold Fort McMurray in prayer, as we as a Church and a nation respond this unfolding crisis.

“For all who are in danger,
For all whose work is to protect and serve,
We pray to you, Lord”

Signature - Fred

The Most Rev. Fred Hiltz
Archbishop and Primate

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