A Walk for the People: Walking the Dream

Dear Relatives,

Eighteen years ago, this statement of Covenant was made:

We, representatives of the Indigenous people of the Anglican Church of Canada, meeting in Winnipeg from the 23 to 26 of April, 1994, pledge ourselves to this covenant for the sake of our people and in trust of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ: Under the guidance of God’s spirit we agree to do all we can to call our people into unity in a new, self-determining community within the Anglican Church of Canada. To this end, we extend the hand of partnership to all those who will help us build a truly Anglican Indigenous Church in Canada. May God bless this new vision and give us the grace to accomplish it. Amen.

As many of you know, in the Spirit of this Covenant, many of our people will be sponsoring prayerful sacred walks across the Land in preparation for our Sacred Circle at Pinawa, Manitoba, August 5-12, 2012. We are hoping that many of you will organize a walk in your own area. Please let us know if you have something local planned. Some people have expressed the desire to walk for other related causes and will join our walk on behalf of special concerns for the people.

On August 5, there will be a relay walk from Beausejour to Pinawa beginning early in the morning (details will follow). The walk will end at the evening lighting of the Sacred Fire, which will burn throughout our gathering. Walkers may wish to stay for the evening and can set up tents on the grounds of the Wilderness Edge Retreat and Conference Centre, where we will be staying. If folks want to stay for more than one night we will have to make special arrangements. Please let us know.

In any event, we ask that everyone join us for prayer during the Sacred Walk and throughout the Sacred Circle.

May God bless you all,

The Rt. Rev. Mark MacDonald
National Indigenous Anglican Bishop

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