Helping Canadian Anglicans live out their Christian faith thoughtfully, prayerfully and with commitment is the work of this department.

The work of the Faith, Worship, & Ministry department is focused in the Faith and Worship section of this website.

The department has focused its attention on solidifying the relationship of full communion with the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada following the adoption of the Waterloo Declaration at General Synod in 2001. Working with Lutheran partners, FWM has developed liturgical resources for Anglicans and Lutherans taking part in joint worship services and guidelines for clergy serving in each other’s churches. The ethics area helps Canadian Anglicans to wrestle prayerfully and thoughtfully with complex moral questions, including developments in biotechnology, sexuality and medical assistance in dying.

Producing common liturgical resources such as the Book of Alternative Services and Common Praise also falls under this department’s mandate.

Faith, Worship and Ministry responds to the concerns of Anglicans across the country expressed through priorities set by General Synod and provides resources for them to deepen and express their faith as Anglican Christians in ecumenical partnership.