Delegates announced for 2021 World Council of Churches General Assembly

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Toronto, Ontario — The World Council of Churches’ (WCC) 11th General Assembly will meet in Karlsruhe, Germany in September 2021, under the theme “Christ’s Love Moves the World to Reconciliation and Unity”. The Anglican Church of Canada is entitled to send two delegates to the Assembly.

After a Canada-wide nomination process, the following people have been chosen to represent the Anglican Church of Canada at the 2021 Assembly:

  • The Rt. Rev. Riscylla Walsh Shaw (Diocese of Toronto)
  • Brendon Neilson (Diocese of British Columbia)

The following have also been selected as alternates:

  • The Rev. Deacon Cynthia Haines-Turner (Diocese of Western Newfoundland)
  • The Rev. Canon Murray Still (Diocese of Rupert’s Land)
  • The Rev. Amy Hamilton (Diocese of Montreal)

At the discretion of the WCC, an additional delegate from the Anglican Church of Canada may be named from the alternates list at a later date. A theological advisor nominated from the Anglican Church of Canada may also be named by the WCC.

With gratitude for all those nominated, and with prayers for those selected to attend, we invite your prayers for the General Assembly and the continuing work of the World Council of Churches.

+Linda Nicholls
Linda Nicholls
Archbishop and Primate
Anglican Church of Canada


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For further inquiries, please contact:

The Most Rev. Linda Nicholls
Archbishop and Primate
Anglican Church of Canada
80 Hayden Street, ON, M4Y 3G2

Phone: 416-924-9199 x276
Fax: 416-924-0211

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