Happy Birthday to us: www.anglican.ca is 10 years old this week

This content was published more than 16 years ago. Some information may no longer be current or accurate.

www.anglican.ca is 10 years old this week.

While there is disagreement about exactly how many people years are the equivalent of a website year, most would probably agree that the General Synod website is now mature.

A website is an intangible thing and cannot be handed a glass for toasting or given a piece of cake. But it is certainly possible to toast and thank, on behalf of the General Synod and on behalf of anglican.ca’s readership which extends across the country and far beyond, the three wizardly webmasters who have made the site what it is:

  • Keith Nunn, the founder;
  • Leanne Larmondin, now editor of the Anglican Journal;
  • and Brian Bukowski who even now dreams of going where no site has gone before.

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