Primate to issue pastoral letter

Recent events emanating from the Essentials (Network) conference may have caused confusion and concern among Canadian Anglicans.

Archbishop Fred Hiltz, the Primate of the Anglican Church of Canada, will address these issues in the context of his pastoral ministry after consultation with other Metropolitan Archbishops.

Accordingly, a pastoral letter to the church will be issued next week for reading in Anglican parishes on Sunday, Dec. 2.

When the Council of General Synod met in Mississauga, Ont., Nov. 16-18, it received the news that a retired bishop had voluntarily relinquished the practice of ministry in Canada.

In response, CoGS unanimously approved a statement regretting this and affirming the inappropriateness of interventions in the Canadian church by bishops from other jurisdictions. Read the statement here.

The fact that a second retired bishop now appears to have also voluntarily relinquished the exercise of ordained ministry in the Canadian church does not alter the statement issued by CoGS.

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