The Primate’s World Relief and Development Fund (PWRDF) has signed on to the Proud to Protect Refugees campaign, being launched today (World Refugee Day) by the Canadian Council for Refugees. Archbishop Fred Hiltz, Primate of the Anglican Church of Canada and President of the PWRDF Board of Directors, has posted a public letter about the Anglican Church’s work with refugees through PWRDF. The full text of the letter follows, and is available in PDF form.

“I was a stranger and you welcomed me.” Matthew 25.35
Dear Friends in Christ,
As people of faith, we are called by the gospel to “welcome the stranger” in our midst.
Today, Refugee Rights Day, the Canadian Council of Refugees is launching a three-year education and awareness raising campaign entitled “Proud to Support Refugees”. As a member of the Council, The Primate’s World Relief and Development Fund has been invited to participate.
Work with refugees continues to be a top priority for PWRDF. From coast to coast to coast, Anglican parishes “welcome the stranger” through Private Sponsorship Agreements and advocacy for the rights and hopes of refugees. I am very proud of your commitment to this ministry. It is a powerful witness to the law of Moses, the call of the prophets and the teaching of Jesus.
Aware of overwhelming challenges facing the world’s approximately 43 million refugees, internally displaced persons, asylum seekers and those who seek to accompany them, the “Proud to Support Refugees” Campaign offers the kind of nation we want to be for those who seek refuge among us and for those whom we accompany in other parts of the world.
This campaign is a wonderful opportunity to learn and spread the word about the gospel imperative to reach out to millions of the most vulnerable and at risk people in the world, to respond to their hope for new beginnings, to welcome and be transformed by their presence, voice and heart in our midst.
You can learn more about the “Proud to Support Refugees” Campaign and our Church’s participation in it by contacting PWRDF Public Engagement Coordinator Suzanne Rumsey.
I encourage your participation in this campaign and your prayers for its reach and success in transforming the heart of this nation.
“I was a stranger and you welcomed me,” said Jesus.
In his compassion,
I am sincerely yours,
The Most Reverend Fred Hiltz
Archbishop and Primate
President, The Primate’s World Relief and Development Fund
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