The Rev'd Canon Shirley Arthur Ralph Wood, B.A., D.D.

This content was published more than 22 years ago. Some information may no longer be current or accurate.

Even in his 93rd year he continued to enjoy singing in the choir, doing the daily cryptic crossword puzzle in the Globe, curling, picking strawberries and making jam, cutting the family lawns, making sandwiches at the Salvation Army for those in need, and cheering (always faithful!) for the Toronto Maple Leafs (to whom he often yelled ‘Shoot!’ or ‘Skate!’) Unfortunately, a brief illness with pancreatic cancer finally ended the life of this admirable man.

Guided by the instruction to “Love the Lord thy God with all thy heart and all thy mind and all thy strength, and thy neighbour as thyself” he lived his life with joy and dedication. Those who had the privilege of calling him Dad, grandad, uncle, brother and friend will remember him with much love and thanks.

posted by: Catherine M. Hall

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