TRC update covers healing fund, KAIROS, more

This third instalment in a new series of updates covers the Anglican Church of Canada’s ongoing journey towards healing and reconciliation with Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal peoples. Prepared by Archdeacon Jim Boyles, these occasional updates focus on the church’s work during the term of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC) on residential schools.

The third update covers these topics:

  • A tenting community at the first TRC event
  • The doctrine of discovery at General Synod
  • The Anglican Healing Fund
  • KAIROS and Indigenous Rights
  • TRC Commissioner Wilton Littlechild

Archdeacon Boyles served as general secretary of the Anglican Church of Canada from 1993 to 2005 and represented the Anglican Church during the negotiations with the federal government that led to the Indian Residential Schools Settlement Agreement. During that time, Archdeacon Boyles wrote a popular series of “Residential Schools updates.” He has recently returned to General Synod to serve as a consultant on residential schools.

These updates will function as a quick go-to for all Anglicans interested in following their church’s work alongside the TRC.

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