Vision 2019: What’s your holdup?

This content was published more than 15 years ago. Some information may no longer be current or accurate.

Canadian Anglicans have less than two weeks left to contribute to Vision 2019 before the Oct. 1 deadline. Already hundreds of people have sent in videos, emails, letters, and voice mails responding to the two-part question “Where is your church now, and where do you want the Anglican Church of Canada to be in 2019?”

The Vision 2019 Team, a group of volunteer Anglicans, is examining all the responses and will share the results at General Synod 2010. Your thoughts are requested and essential to shaping our church’s future direction, so please reconsider why, if you haven’t yet responded.

Here are some possible reservations you may have (or check out our first “holdup list” from last week):

1. It’s a huge question.

The two-part question was intended to be open-ended so you can respond at any level you like. Some people are describing nitty-gritty details, while others are painting in broad strokes. All these contributions (and the ones in between) are useful.

2. I’m a private person.

You can specify that you want your submission kept private, only to be shared with the Vision 2019 Team.

3. Other people are already saying what I want to say.

The Vision 2019 Team still wants to hear your thoughts, even if they’re short and affirming. You can post a comment to someone else’s response, or send in your own quick comments.

You can respond right now, by sending an email or leaving a phone message at 1-866-496-3057

Need some more time to think? You can upload a video, or write a letter to

Vision 2019
Anglican Church of Canada
80 Hayden Street
Toronto, Ont. M4Y 3G2

The Vision 2019 Team appreciates your input.

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