Anticipating a different Lambeth: the Primate reflects

This content was published more than 16 years ago. Some information may no longer be current or accurate.

Canadian bishops and their spouses travel to Canterbury this week for the once-a-decade Lambeth Conference (July 16 to Aug.3), a gathering originally designed to bring together every bishop in the Anglican Communion.

Before setting out for the University of Kent in Canterbury with his wife Lynne, Archbishop Fred Hiltz, Primate of the Anglican Church of Canada, reflected on some of the issues he anticipates will arise at the conference, and described how the participating bishops of the Communion are likely to spend their time together.

In this webcast, Archbishop Hiltz describes what a typical day at Lambeth is probably going to be like for the bishops and reflects on two of the most controversial matters likely to be considered – the blessing of same-sex unions, and the drafting of a covenant to bring member provinces of the Communion together.

Tensions over sexuality issues and resultant strains on the bonds that hold the Anglican Communion together will likely result in a conference much different than previous Lambeths have been.

There will be, the Primate says, fewer plenary sessions and fewer formal resolutions. Instead, the bishops will meet in small groups modelled after African indabas – which are gathering where the participants come together as equals to listen to each other closely and with respect.

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