A message from the Primate concerning attacks at Ataturk Airport in Istanbul

This content was published more than 8 years ago. Some information may no longer be current or accurate.

Yesterday, the world witnessed yet another airport bombing- this time at the Ataturk International Airport in Istanbul killing at least 36 people and injuring at least 150 others. While no one has yet claimed responsibility for this attack, we are told by the media it is believed to be the work of suicide bombers associated with ISIS terrorists.

It appears that airports are becoming targets for such crimes against humanity. Hundreds and hundreds of people waiting in long security lines, huge departure lounges, and massive arrivals areas are easy prey for those who are intent on terrorizing and killing innocent people, intimidating governments, and threatening world security.

As many of you know, I fly a lot in the work of my ministry, and I never pass through an airport without a prayer for all who are travelling. Once on board and settled in my seat, I pray particularly for the captain, crew, and all onboard the flight that we may know travelling mercies. Please join me in praying for all who travel and for all whose work is ensuring their security and safety.

Let us remember before God all the victims of the bombings in Istanbul and their loved ones who grieve.

Let us pray all those seriously injured and traumatized and those who tend them in hospitals.

Let us pray too for all who are perpetrators of religiously-based violence and the chaos it brings.

Pray for conversion of hearts.

Pray that the world be free of such crimes against humanity.

Pray that we all live by the counsel given by God through his servant Micah: “What does the Lord require of you but to do justice, to love kindness and to walk humbly with God”.

Fred H - Black

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