Motions to New Westminster Synod

Motion # 4 (withdrawn in favour of motion 7)

Moved The Reverend Robert Korth
Seconded Ms. Maureen Ashfield

Be it resolved that this synod, in light of the two majority votes of support for the blessing of committed same-sex unions, encourages the Bishop to:

  1. prepare a rite for the blessing of committed same-sex unions in consultation with such bodies as to him will seem advisable, and,
  2. make provision for a conscience clause to protect those parishes and clergy who cannot, in good conscience, support such blessings, and,
  3. develop a process of consent for parishes who wish to offer this ministry.

Motion # 5

Moved Diane Gough
Seconded Basil Wong

Be it resolved, that in the event of the Bishop giving assent to the blessing of same-sex relationships within, or in any parish of the Diocese of New Westminster, that this synod recommend to Bishop Michael Ingham, the immediate provision of Alternative Episcopal Oversight for those parishes who wish to remain members of the Anglican Church of Canada and the Ecclesiastical Province of British Columbia and Yukon, but who find themselves unable to remain in full communion with the Bishop and Diocese of New Westminster, and who so request by a 60 per cent majority vote of the membership, including the laity and clergy licensed to the parish, at a vestry meeting called for that purpose, or otherwise as the provisions of the parish’s incorporation or bylaws may require.

Motion # 6

Moved The Reverend Barclay Mayo
Seconded The Reverend Trevor Walters

Be it resolved that the Synod of the Diocese of New Westminster petition the Synod of the Anglican Province of British Columbia and Yukon to establish a new, non-geographical diocese within the boundaries of the Diocese of New Westminster, to appoint interim Episcopal oversight with full powers of clerical appointment until a diocesan bishop can be elected, and make provision for parishes who because of conscience find themselves unable to remain in full communion with the Bishop and Diocese of New Westminster, and who request by majority vote of 60 per cent of the membership, including the laity and clergy licensed to the parish, at a vestry meeting specially called for that purpose, or otherwise as the provisions of the parish’s incorporation or bylaws may require, to transfer all allegiances, and, subject to all lawful encumbrances, all properties, buildings and financial resources to the new jurisdiction.

Motion # 7

Moved Archdeacon Barbara Clay
Seconded Rev. Kevin Dixon

That this synod endorse the bishop’s proposal to meet pastoral needs in the diocese of New Westminster as set out in paragraphs A, B, C and D of the proposal dated May 23, 2002.


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