New Anglican Military Ordinariate website

This content was published more than 15 years ago. Some information may no longer be current or accurate.

new website describes the work and ministry of the Anglican Military Ordinariate (AMO) in Canada and throughout the world. The ordinariate includes all Anglicans who serve in the Canadian Forces, including regular and reserve forces in the air, maritime, or land force commands.

Although not a diocese, the ordinariate has its own Bishop Ordinary to the Canadian Forces, Peter Coffin. The ordinariate also includes 45 regular force chaplains and 35 reserve chaplains-totalling 22 per cent of the Canadian Forces chaplaincy.

The new AMO website includes a history of Canadian military chaplaincyarticles from the ordinariate’s newsletters, and information about the Bishop Ordinary Trust, a foundation that supports the AMO’s ministry.

Bishop Coffin, who has served as Bishop Ordinary since 2004, commends the website as “a window into our life and ministry.” He encourages Canadian Anglicans to visit and learn about “another unique ministry of our beloved church….We are proud to be a part of the ministry of the Anglican Church of Canada and to be in touch and to be mutually encouraged is a blessing.”

Interested in learning more about the AMO, or sending a word of encouragement? Get in touch with the leaders online.

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