New feature added to the web site

This content was published more than 19 years ago. Some information may no longer be current or accurate.

Internet users often come across new, interesting sites, but then completely forget to revisit them, or get bogged down visiting the same sites looking for new information, only to be disappointed.

To overcome that, a number of new communication tools have been added to the website.

The existing e-mail announcement list, acc-news, has been complemented by a new e-mail announcement list, acc-whats-new. The acc-whats-new list sends out, no more than once a day, a listing of all new and updated pages on

Complementing these e-mail lists, RSS (Really Simple Syndication) feeds have been added to the website. These RSS feeds allow users who have RSS feed readers to monitor new and updated information on the website.

RSS is becoming a common feature with many web sites. “It is a way to easily distribute and share a list of news headlines, update notices, and content to a wide number of people,” explained Brian Bukowski, web manager for General Synod

The e-mail lists and RSS feeds make it easier for people to get the latest news items that have been added to the website, without having to constantly check for new items. A running list of all the latest content posted to the site. Each list / feed includes direct web-page links, news headlines, and summaries.

Another new service on the website is our news headline service for parish and diocesan web sites. With a few lines of HTML code, a parish or diocesan webmaster can easily place automatically updated feature headlines on a website. A standard look for the headlines is provided, but webmasters can customize the look of the news headlines to suit their sites.

“We are using our news headlines to make content from our web site easily available to diocesan, parish, congregational or personal web sites,” said Mr. Bukowski. “Think of it as a distributable ‘What’s New’ for your site,” he said.

For more information please contact:
Brian Bukowski
Web Manager
Tel: 416-924-9199 ext. 340
Email: [email protected]


  • To subscribe to the acc-news list:
  • To subscribe to the ACC-whats-new list:
  • Information on subscribing to RSS Feeds
  • Information on setting up placing news headlines on your website:

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