Primate urges involvement in battle against AIDS

Archbishop Andrew Hutchison challenges Canadian Anglicans to find ways to get involved in the battle against the HIV/AIDS pandemic in a new webcast posted to the church’s national website today.

In the webcast, the Canadian Primate highlights the care and support of people afflicted with HIV/AIDS and advocacy in pressing governments to do more in the battle against the global pandemic as ways in which Canadians can become involved.

The Canadian government is a world leader in the action it has already taken, Archbishop Hutchison says “and yet the response could still be much better.”

Archbishop Hutchison’s interactive webcasts, entitled +Andrew: Conversations with the Primate, are a tool the Canadian primate uses to speak to Canadians on issues of interest to the church and to engage them in dialogue.

Viewers of the webcasts are invited to comment and respond to Archbishop Hutchison by emailing him at [email protected]

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