Easter Sunday service a click away

St. James’s Cathedral will become the first Anglican church in Canada to provide a live web cast of its Easter Sunday service on April 16th, starting at 10:45 a.m. Eastern Time.

The service will be shown on www.toronto.anglican.ca.

“People lead extraordinarily busy lives today,” says Stuart Mann, communications manager for the Anglican Diocese of Toronto. “Many who want to attend Easter Sunday service will be unable to, for a variety of reasons. That’s why we’re providing this web cast — and making it available on our web site 24 hours a day, seven days a week, for several weeks.”

The service at St. James’s, which has been a place of worship in Toronto since 1797, will feature music by the Cathedral Choir of Men and Boys under the direction of Michael Bloss. The Bishop of Toronto, Colin Johnson, will preside and the Dean of Toronto, Douglas Stoute, will preach the sermon.

The web cast will include a ringing of the Bells of Old York, the only full set of 12 change-ringing bells in North America, and pictures of the cathedral’s daily life, including its outreach to the city’s poor and marginalized.

Viewers of the web cast will be able to access prayers and readings, record comments in a visitor’s book and even make online donations.

“Trinity Church in New York and Grace Cathedral in San Francisco have been pioneers in this field,” says Mr. Mann. “Now we’d like to provide the web casting of worship from Canada. The Easter Sunday service from St. James’s will be a special experience.”

For further information, please contact:

Stuart Mann
Anglican Diocese of Toronto
Tel. (416) 363-6021, ext. 247
Email: [email protected]

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