Anglican church launches Web site on mission work

This content was published more than 26 years ago. Some information may no longer be current or accurate.

The Anglican Church of Canada has launched a new Web site in support of its mission work. The site will highlight the church’s successful Volunteers in Mission (VIM) program, which pairs skilled Canadian Anglicans with overseas partners, as well as feature other aspects of mission work.

Requests for VIMs vary widely. Teachers and professors are in wide demand, but there are also current requests for doctors, nurses, farmers, pharmacists, woodworkers, journalists, youth workers and priests. There are 47 outstanding requests for volunteers.

The VIM Web site contains letters from volunteers who are overseas, descriptions of opportunities available, and an on-line registration form to let people start the process right there.

In the 10 years since VIM began, 65 people have gone from Canada to fill positions in other countries. One VIM helped to launch a university in Haiti. Another, Archbishop Douglas Hambidge, headed up a theological school in Africa. Some people have continued as volunteers and filled multiple positions.

“We believe there are many people out there looking for opportunities like these,” said Jill Cruise, VIM coordinator. “Our hope is that the launch of our Web site will help us reach them. After 10 years, it’s hard to stay at the front of people’s minds, but the needs are as great and the opportunities as exciting as they ever were.”

The VIM Web site can be found at


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