Anglicans encouraged to support the mission of the Church through gift planning

This content was published more than 18 years ago. Some information may no longer be current or accurate.

The office of Financial Development of General Synod has produced new Gift Planning resources that encourage Anglicans to support the mission of the Church.

Gift Planning is “finding a way to make an important gift to a cause you believe in while still getting the best tax benefits possible and achieving personal financial goals,” explained Archdeacon John Robertson, national consultant, Gift Planning, Financial Development.

The resources which, consist of 12 brochures and five guides, provide potential donors and advisors with up-to-date information about the different ways to make a contribution through Gift Planning towards “the work of God through the Church,” said Archdeacon Robertson.

“The most common planned gift we receive is a bequest, because the tax benefit from a bequest accrues to the donor’s estate,” said Archdeacon Robertson. “We hope the resources will also attract young adults in the church to consider making a planned gift.”

A planned gift can also be in the form of securities or life insurance. In light of differing personal situations and priorities, potential donors are encouraged to contact their regional or diocesan gift planning consultant to help them carefully assess their options and guide them in making the best choice in giving to the Church.

Donors can designate their gift to any aspect of The Anglican Church of Canada such as, the Anglican Appeal, the Primate’s World Relief and Development Fund (PWRDF), the Anglican Foundation or a local diocese or parish. “There are many other possibilities available to donors,” said Archdeacon Robertson.

The resources are now available online and can be purchased from the Anglican Book Centre (ABC) or from regional or diocesan gift planning consultants.

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