Bishops, COGS asked to protest CIDA's stop to KAIROS grant

This content was published more than 14 years ago. Some information may no longer be current or accurate.

Leaders of the Anglican Church of Canada (ACC) have been asked to protest against the sudden cancellation of traditional funding of the ecumenical coalition KAIROS by the Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA).

KAIROS is a social justice NGO that represents seven of Canada’s largest denominations, including the Anglican Church. KAIROS does advocacy, education, and research work on topics including human rights, ecological justice, and Indigenous Peoples.

The Anglican Council of General Synod and the House of Bishops are now considering motions that would deplore CIDA’s action and urge the federal government to reconsider the decision. KAIROS is also encouraging all Canadians to raise this issue with their MPs, Prime Minister Stephen Harper, and CIDA leaders.

KAIROS has received funding from CIDA since 1973, and received a positive audit on its last funding period. In March, KAIROS submitted its 2009-2013 program proposal for approximately $7 million—a number consistent with previous levels of funding. On Nov. 30, a CIDA official contacted KAIROS by phone to say funding would not continue because KAIROS it no longer fits CIDA priorities. No other explanation or information was provided.

If not reversed, this decision will have a devastating impact on Canadian education programs and KAIROS’s international partners. Many KAIROS partners face human rights and humanitarian crises. Their work includes monitoring the Comprehensive Peace Agreement in Sudan, holding government accountable for military abuses in Indonesia, and supporting women’s rights in Colombia.

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