A Call to Prayer for the U.S.A. from the Primate of the Anglican Church of Canada

This content was published more than 7 years ago. Some information may no longer be current or accurate.

“Lord, keep this nation under your care”

Next week, the eyes and ears of all Americans and indeed many other people around the world will be turned toward Capitol Hill in Washington as Donald Trump takes the Oath of Office as the 45th President of the United States.

Many of course will be rejoicing in his inauguration and eagerly anticipating his administration.  Many others are anxious.  Given some of the rhetoric in his campaign for election, they are wondering how tolerant he will be of the multi-racial, -cultural and -religious textures with which the fabric of the United States of America is woven.

In the face of an ever-growing gulf between Americans who are rich and Americans who are poor, there is considerable angst as to how the Trump administration will address this concern.  Many eagerly await initiatives that will be in the form of laying firm foundations ensuring equality of access to health care, education, and employment opportunities for all Americans.

Mexicans wonder about the nature of future relationships with the United States and so too do many Canadians.  World leaders will be watching to see how he takes his place in the gatherings where they take counsel together for peace and security of the world, and for the care of the earth itself.

The motto of the United States is “In God We Trust” – words that inspire the very principles and values upon which that nation is built.  In truth they are etched on the soul of America.  In the spirit of that confession, people of many faith traditions will be praying in coming days with special intent – for their nation, their new President and his administrative team, and all whom they are called to serve.

On such a historic occasion as Inauguration Day, it is worth noting that every day our brothers and sisters in The Episcopal Church pray,

“Lord, keep this nation under your care and guide us in the way of justice and truth.”

In company with them let us hold in our prayers the United States of America and all for whom, by birth or by choice, it is home.

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