Can we talk?

This content was published more than 26 years ago. Some information may no longer be current or accurate.

Free and easy Anglican on-line discussion is now available at and all you need to use it is your Web browser.

Since 1989 Anglicans have been able to discuss matters related to their church through Ecunet, an electronic bulletin board system. Subscribers to Ecunet use an 800 number and specialized software to access its services. Ecunet has grown over the years and fosters many useful conversations among people who otherwise would not meet. The growth and popularity of the Internet, however, has severely slowed the growth of Ecunet.

On September 18, the Anglican Church of Canada launched its public “news” server. “News” is an Internet protocol that predates the World Wide Web. Although called “news,” it is really a protocol that facilitates discussions. Articles that are posted by users are grouped together by subject so that it is possible to see the sequence of conversation without being overwhelmed by the breadth of it.

The first discussion area launched by the church is acc.general. “ACC” refers to the Anglican Church of Canada and “general” refers to the openness of this discussion group. Users are encouraged to discuss anything pertaining to the Anglican Church or its activities here. The only restriction is that the tone remain civil. New groups will be created as demand warrants.

To access the new discussion group go to and follow the link on that page. More information about the ACC discussion groups and some general information about discussion groups can be found at

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