Compass Rose Society grant supplies theological colleges with Anglican Way books

This content was published more than 18 years ago. Some information may no longer be current or accurate.

As the result of the generosity of a number of members of the Compass Rose Society, TEAC (the Anglican Communion Theological Education Working Party) is supplying theological colleges in Asia and Africa with key books in the field of Anglican Studies. The purpose of these book grants is to enable students training for Anglican ministry in theological colleges with limited library resources to have greater access to books which will provide an overview of Anglican history, liturgy and spirituality.

So far the grants received have enabled books to be sent to six theological colleges in Papua New Guinea, Solomon Islands, Pakistan, Mauritius, Kenya and Malaysia; it is hoped to send out similar sets of books to at least another ten colleges before the end of 2006.

Clare Amos, the Director of Theological Studies, who is administering the book grants on behalf of TEAC comments: ‘The books we are being enabled to send as a result of the kindness of Compass Rose members will make a considerable difference to the resources available in these colleges for the teaching of Anglican studies. The books chosen are based as far as possible on the booklist constructed by the “Anglican Way” group of TEAC, as well as a few key books which have been published during the last year. My next task is to try and ensure that we do not neglect the needs of Anglican seminaries in francophone, spanish – speaking and lusophone Provinces.

We are looking in to the possibility of organising and facilitating the translation of one or two of these key books into French, Spanish and Portuguese. These book grants are an excellent example of the way in which a comparatively small sum of money, judiciously targeted, can make a big impact on the life of the churches in our Communion.’

For more details contact Clare Amos, Director of Theological Studies [email protected]

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