Looking for a new bishop in Nova Scotia and Prince Edward Island

This content was published more than 17 years ago. Some information may no longer be current or accurate.

The diocese of Nova Scotia and Prince Edward Island is searching for a new diocesan bishop now that their “Bishop Fred Hiltz” has been elected “Archbishop Fred Hiltz,” primate of the Anglican Church of Canada. The diocesan search committee is receiving proposed names until August 21 for the October 20 election.

“Faithfulness to Christian scripture and tradition” is one qualification the job description calls for. The diocese also wants someone to carry on the four-fold diocesan vision: developing healthy congregations, supporting Anglican Christian formation, embracing youth, and providing organizational efficiency and effectiveness. The description is currently circulating amongst synod members and the provincial house of bishops. So far two names have been proposed.

Rev. Canon Fred Krieger, secretary of the search committee, said Archbishop Hiltz’s five-year service as diocesan bishop was marked by a “courtesy and patience” during meetings. “At synods and at councils, people can get tired and angry because there are big principles involved. Bishop Hiltz was able to make sure that those commitments were honoured, and turned the meetings back into a positive experience for people.”

The ideal bishop would continue specific initiatives started by Archbishop Hiltz and Suffragan Bishop Sue Moxley, including the popular 18-month parish visit cycle, clergy wellness initiatives, and fundraising campaigns such as the successful Leap for Faith.

Proposed candidates submit an information form, and the search committee decides on official nominees based on this information. Members of synod—all clergy, retired clergy, and elected parish representatives—receive the nominees’ information forms in advance, then an expected 350 of them will vote at the October 20 election.

If the new diocesan bishop’s term extends to 2010, it will include hosting General Synod, celebrating the centenary of Halifax’s Cathedral Church of All Saints and commemorating 300 years of continuous Anglican worship in Nova Scotia.

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