New members for standing committees and COGS

This content was published more than 14 years ago. Some information may no longer be current or accurate.

Complete membership lists of General Synod standing committees and the Council of General Synod (COGS) for the new 2010-2013 triennium are now available. At General Synod 2010, new members were elected to these bodies, and since General Synod, the Primate has appointed additional members to standing committees in order to address representational imbalances.

Members of all these bodies provide an important ministry to and for the Anglican Church of Canada. Standing committees guide the work of specific national departments, while COGS oversees the work of General Synod between triennial meetings.

At General Synod 2010 members approved several resolutions that altered COGS membership. They reduced membership from 42 to 31, and extended full voting privileges to nominees from the Anglican Council of Indigenous Peoples and the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada.


The Most Rev. Fred Hiltz, Primate
Canon Robert Falby, Prolocutor
The Ven. Harry Huskins, Deputy Prolocutor
The Hon. Ronald Stevenson, Chancellor
Mr. Justice Brian Burrows, Deputy Chancellor
The Ven. Dr. Michael Pollesel, General Secretary
Ms. Michèle George, Treasurer
The Ven. Sidney Black, officer-at-large
Dr. Lela Zimmer, officer-at-large


Communications and Information Resources Committee
The Rev. Canon Milton Barry (chair, Toronto)
Mr. Jason Antonio (Qu’Appelle)
Ms. Yolanda Bird (Saskatchewan)
The Rev. Canon Neil Elliot (Kootenay)
The Right Rev. George Elliott (Toronto)
Ms. Trina Gallop (Partner, Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada)
Mr. Peter Irish (Fredericton)
Ms. Katie-Scarlett MacGillivray (Huron)
The Rev. Susan Titterington (Yukon)
Mr. Charles Wilson (Algoma)

Faith, Worship, and Ministry Committee
The Rev. Canon Andrew Asbil (chair, Toronto)
The Rev. Canon Eric Beresford (Nova Scotia and Prince Edward Island)
The Right Rev. George Bruce (Ontario)
Ms. Stephanie DeForest (Niagara)
The Rev. Travis Enright (Edmonton)
The Rev. Canon Sister Constance Joanna Gefvert, SSJD (Toronto)
The Ven. Dr. Greg Gilson (Caledonia) 
Dr. Kenneth Hull (Huron)
The Very Rev. Dr. Iain Luke (Athabasca)
The Rev. Dr. Lynne McNaughton (New Westminster)
The Ven. Bruce Myers (Quebec)
The Rev. Ann Marie Nicklin (Saskatoon)
The Rev. Barbara Shoomski (Rupert’s Land)
The Rev. Canon John Alfred Steele (British Columbia)
The Very Rev. Peter Wall (Niagara)

Financial Management Committee
Mr. Robert Dickson (New Westminster, chair) 
The Right Rev. James Cowan (British Columbia)
The Rev. Hannah Dicks (Western Newfoundland)
The Right Rev. Michael Hawkins (Saskatchewan)
Ms. Marion Jenkins (Brandon)
Mr. Kennedy Marshall (Toronto)
Canon Paul Rathbone  (Huron)

Partners in Mission and Ecojustice
The Right Rev. Michael Ingham (New Westminster, chair)
The Ven. Dr. Larry Beardy (Keewatin)
Ms. Caroline Chum (Moosonee)
The Rev. Paul Gehrs (Partner, Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada)
Lieut. the Ven. Jennifer Gosse (Military Ordinariate)
The Right Rev. Pie Ntukamazina (Bishop of Diocese of Bujumbura, Episcopal Church of Burundi)
Ms. Cynthia Haines-Turner (Western Newfoundland)
Mr. Nicholas Pang (Montreal)
Ms. Anne Patterson (Ontario)
The Rev. Jonathan Schmidt (Ecumenical Partner)
The Ven. Canon Pierre Voyer (Quebec)

Philanthropy Committee
Ms. Monica Patten (Ottawa, chair)
Mr. Robert Dickson (New Westminster)
Ms. Molly Finlay (Toronto)
The Most Rev. Claude Miller (Fredericton)
Mr. Glen Mitchell (New Westminster)
The Rev. Dr. Linda Privitera (Ottawa)
The Ven. Dr. Michael Thompson (Niagara)


Voting officers of General Synod
The Most Rev. Fred Hiltz, Primate
Canon Robert Falby, Prolocutor
The Ven. Harry Huskins, Deputy Prolocutor
The Hon. Ronald Stevenson, Chancellor
Mr. Justice Brian Burrows, Deputy Chancellor

Representing the Province of British Columbia and the Yukon
The Rt. Rev. James Cowan, Bishop, British Columbia
The Rev. Lynne McNaughton, Clergy, New Westminster
Canon Dr. Randall Fairey, Lay, Kootenay
Dr. Lela Zimmer, Lay, Anglican Parishes of the Central Interior (officer-at-large)
Miss Melissa Green, Youth, Anglican Parishes of the Central Interior

Representing the Province of Canada
The Rt. Rev. Dennis Drainville, Bishop, Quebec
The Very Rev. Josiah Noel, Clergy, Eastern Newfoundland and Labrador
Mrs. Cynthia Haines-Turner, Lay, Western Newfoundland
Mrs. Susan Winn, Lay, Montreal
Mr. Félix Coté-Gaudreau, Youth, Quebec

Representing the Province of Ontario
The Most Rev. Colin Johnson, Bishop, Toronto
The Ven. Dr. Michael Thompson, Clergy, Niagara
Mr. Ron Chaplin, Lay, Ottawa
Ms. Katie-Scarlett MacGillivray, Lay, Huron
Ms. Brianna Locke, Youth, Algoma

Representing the Province of Rupert’s Land
The Rt. Rev. Greg Kerr-Wilson, Bishop, Qu’Appelle
The Rev. Chris Harper, Clergy, Saskatchewan
The Rev. Canon Gene Packwood, Clergy, Calgary
Mrs. Verna Firth, Lay, Arctic
Mr. Peter Kitchekeesik, Lay, Keewatin
Mr. Jonathan Sinnatamby, Lay, Edmonton
Ms. Debbie Rye, Youth, Saskatchewan

Representing the Anglican Military Ordinariate of Canada
Major, the Rev. Michelle Staples, Clergy

Representing the Anglican Council of Indigenous Peoples
The Ven. Sidney Black, Clergy (officer-at-large)
The Rev. Gloria Moses, Clergy

Representing the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada
The Rev. Douglas Reble, Clergy

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