Reg Rule 1916-1998

This content was published more than 26 years ago. Some information may no longer be current or accurate.

Reg Rule knew more about 600 Jarvis Street than anyone. Like many national church office staff members, he worked here many years – since the early 1980s – but he alone can actually claim the distinction of having lived in the building.

For five years in the early 1980s, he and his wife, Marjorie, a former receptionist, occupied what are now the editorial offices of the Anglican Journal on the second floor.

“The years we lived there were some of the happiest we’ve spent,” said Mr. Rule, who remembered holding parties in the Church House boardroom.

He took the job at Church House after he retired at the age of 70 as property manager and verger of neighbouring St. Paul’s Church.

Mr. Rule died at home with his family on Sunday evening, October 4. He had continued to work part-time until early this year when illness forced him to retire.

His funeral was at St. Paul’s Church, 227 Bloor Street, on Wednesday, October 7.

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