Response to the Windsor Report

This content was published more than 17 years ago. Some information may no longer be current or accurate.

In 2003, Archbishop of Canterbury Rowan Williams established the Lambeth Commission on Communion to advise him and the churches of the Anglican Communion on how they could maintain “the highest degree of communion that may be possible” in light of actions by The Episcopal Church (US) and the diocese of New Westminster in Canada, and of some primates and bishops who intervened in the affairs of some parishes. The result was the publication of The Windsor Report in Oct., 2004.

All provinces of the Anglican Communion were asked to respond toThe Windsor Report. The Anglican Church of Canada established a Windsor Report Response Group, made up of members of the House of Bishops, Faith Worship and Ministry Committee and Partners in Mission Committee, and chaired by Dr. Patricia Bays of the diocese of Ottawa.

That group surveyed responses from across the church and prepared a summary of them for the Primate when he went to the Primates’ Meeting in Dromantine in 2005. It then drafted a response to the Windsor Report, which it tested with the Council of General Synod and members of the House of Bishops in the fall of 2006. The responses were redrafted in light of comments received, and a new draft went to the Council of General Synod in March, 2007.

The council adopted the response, with some amendments, and will be sending it to General Synod in June for endorsement.


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