Youth program expands

This content was published more than 18 years ago. Some information may no longer be current or accurate.

Ask & Imagine, a national leadership program for youth and young adults, will soon be in its 8th year.

Participants in the 10-day programs have come from 19 dioceses and applications his year indicate that that number will probably rise to 22, or more than 2/3 of the dioceses in Canada.

“Interest in this program is rising, especially in Nova Scotia and Newfoundland in the east, and Saskatchewan, Alberta and British Columbia in the west” said program director  Judy Steers.

One of the attractive features of the program is that travel costs are paid for all participants. “Many times, a diocese or a region does not have the resources to offer this depth of youth leadership formation, and Ask & Imagine is a resource for them to form leaders, and then engage those young people in leadership roles within the home parish or diocese.” Said ms Steers.

Ask & Imagine is hosted by the faculty of theology at Huron University College.

Young people focus on theological subjects, hands-on outreach experience, outdoor adventure, expanding one’s view of the world, leadership skills formation and deepening their spiritual lives. One of the favorite parts of the program is the exploratory seminars, where participants engage with guest speakers in subjects such as science and theology, media, multi-faith awareness or justice issues from a faith perspective.

Though funded initially by a grant from Lilly Endowment Inc. Ask & Imagine is beginning to seek financial support from individual donors and the wider church. The program is endorsed by the Anglican Church of Canada as part of the church’s vision for youth leadership development.

Applications are now being accepted for the 2006 programs: May 7-18 for young adults, ages 18-25 and August 13-23 for people currently in high school. The cost is $600.00 and parishes and dioceses are encouraged to sponsor their young participants. Information about the program and application details can be found at or by contacting the program office at [email protected]; 519-438-7224 ex 251

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