Elder Vi Smith narrated The Seventh Fire, one of several Anglican Video features now available for viewing online.

Classic Anglican videos available online

This content was published more than 13 years ago. Some information may no longer be current or accurate.

Anglican Video has dug into its archives and digitized another batch of classic long and short features, each covering a different aspect of life in the Anglican Church of Canada. The videos—on baptism, Indigenous Peoples, sexual misconduct, and a former Primate—are available for free viewing through the Anglican Church of Canada’s website. Several can also be downloaded and used as resources for local communities.

Elder Vi Smith narrated The Seventh Fire, one of several Anglican Video features now available for viewing online.
Elder Vi Smith narrated The Seventh Fire, one of several Anglican Video features now available for viewing online.

1. Michael Peers: Called to Be a Leader(2004)

This 52-minute documentary is about the life and career of Archbishop Michael Peers, Primate of the Anglican Church of Canada from 1986 to 2004. The years of Peers’ primacy covered some of the most turbulent years in the history of the Canadian church. The documentary includes interviews with Archbishop Desmond Tutu; former Governor General Adrienne Clarkson; and the Archbishop of Canterbury, the Most Rev. Rowan Williams.

2. Baptism: a Life-long Celebration (2004, available for download)

This 25-minute program is not a how-to video but an introduction to baptism within Anglican tradition and practice. It chronicles the journey of Naomi, an infant baptismal candidate, and Stan, a middle-aged convert to Christianity.

3. Sexual Misconduct: Learn to Spot It, Learn to Stop It (2001, available for download)

Using real-life scenarios, this 28-minute video shows clergy, staff, and laity how to recognize the various forms of sexual misconduct that can occur in a church community. Information in the video complies with Canadian legislation concerning sexual misconduct. This resource can be used in parishes, small groups, individuals, or in other education sessions.

4. Written on the Heart (2003, available for download)

This eight-part video series helps individuals and Bible study groups find ways to integrate Bible study into daily life. There are discussion starters and the series can be viewed in one session or over an eight-day or eight-week period. Written on the Heart features a range of interviews with theologians, educators, and Anglicans in the pew.

5. Search for Healing (1992)

This 23-minute video was the first in Canada to openly discuss residential schools and it reflects the courage of the Anglican Church of Canada at the time. While many fought to protect themselves from litigation, the Anglican Church of Canada produced this video, which was followed in 1993 by the official apology from then-Primate Archbishop Michael Peers. These events marked a turning point after which the church accepted responsibility for the past and a commitment to healing.

6. The Seventh Fire (1995)

This 30-minute documentary explores a First Nations prophecy that the time of the Seventh Fire will be when the reborn First Nations offer spiritual recovery to North Americans of European ancestry. Narrated by the late elder Vi Smith, The Seventh Fire chronicles the relationship of Indigenous Peoples and European settlers, with many interviews from residential school survivors.

Anglican Video is staffed by Senior Producer Lisa Barry and Production Manager Becky Boucher. As part of General Synod’s Communications and Information Resources department, they produce video resources for parish and individual use as well as spiritual documentaries aimed at a broader audience. Anglican Video has won many national and international awards for its work.

o   View a list of all Anglican Video productions available for viewing online

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