14th edition of the Handbook of General Synod now available

This content was published more than 19 years ago. Some information may no longer be current or accurate.

The 14th edition of the Handbook of the General Synod of the Anglican Church of Canada is now available on line at www.anglican.ca/handbook/index.htm

The Handbook contains the rules of order and procedure, the constitution and canons that govern the General Synod of the Anglican Church of Canada.

If amendments to the above are enacted by a General Synod (the triennial meeting of the governing body), the Handbook is revised and a new edition is published. The 14th edition reflects the changes made by the 2004 General Synod.

Among the changes in the 14th edition are revisions to Canon XXI, On Marriage in the Church; Canon III, The Primacy and a revision to the Constitution that adds the Treasurer of the General Synod of The Anglican Church of Canada to the list of officers.

In addition, the Handbook includes a number of useful appendices, which include the terms of references for committees and a chronological summary of important events and dates in the history of General Synod.

The revised handbook has been distributed to dioceses and copies are available through the Anglican Book Centre.

For further information please contact: Margaret Shawyer
Coordinator General Synod Planning
Tel:416-924-9199 ext.214
Email:[email protected]

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