Anglican – Roman Catholic Dialogue of Canada publishes ecumenical resource

Anglicans and Roman Catholics have come a long way in working through many of the divisive points that have separated them since the 16th Century. New Stories to Tell: Living Ecumenism Today is a project of the Anglican – Roman Catholic Dialogue of Canada, which illustrates these strides that have been made. It is a document consisting of 17 stories that demonstrate a growth of mutual understanding and re-establishment of bonds of love and common cause between Anglicans and Roman Catholics.

“This resource is an opportunity to see ecumenism at work in the lives of Anglicans and Roman Catholics in Canada. The theological work of national (Anglican Roman Catholic Dialogue – ARC Canada) and international dialogues (Anglican Roman Catholic International Commission -ARCIC) is finding new expression in the local initiatives expressed in these stories. We hope they will inspire further conversations and witness to the degree of unity we can already share,” states Bishop Linda Nicholls, Anglican Co-Chair of the Anglican Roman Catholic Dialogue of Canada.

New Stories to Tell: Living Ecumenism Today is – without question – proof that ecumenical dialogue has the potential to transform our churches. The stories shared highlight the ways in which we, as people of faith and followers in Christ, can learn to love one another, appreciate the gifts each of us bring to God’s mission, and explore new ways to share in fellowship.

You can find New Stories to Tell: Living Ecumenism Today for download on the website.

“This text will be useful in parish study groups, for sermon illustrations, as a teaching tool in theological schools, and to the regular Christian that seeks to do their part in responding to the prayer of Jesus ‘that we may all be one’,” notes The Rev. Dr. Scott Sharman, Animator for Ecumenical and Interfaith Relations for the Anglican Church of Canada.

The Anglican – Roman Catholic Dialogue of Canada hopes that Christians will enjoy reading these stories, and that they will be inspired to create their own ecumenical partnerships.



For media inquiries, contact:

Meghan Kilty, Director of Communications and Information Resources
Anglican Church of Canada
416-924-9199, Ext. 230
Email: [email protected]

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