"Know of my prayers": Primate to Christchurch bishop

The Primate, Archbishop Fred Hiltz, has sent the following letter to Bishop Victoria Matthews of Christchurch, New Zealand. On June 13, tremors shattered the rose window of the Christchurch cathedral, already damaged by the Feb. 22 magnitude-6.3 earthquake that killed 160 people. In a recent interview, Bishop Matthews shared the “exhaustion of spirit” her clergy face.

Read this letter as a PDF.

June 16, 2011

The Rt. Rev Victoria Matthews
Bishop of Christchurch
PO Box 4438
Christchurch 8140
New Zealand
Email: [email protected]
Fax: 011-64-3-372-3357

Dear Victoria,

We are hearing with great concern of the tremors that are rumbling through New Zealand and particularly in the area of Christchurch.  This must be bringing back terribly painful memories of the earthquake on February 22 and fears of further destruction.  Already there are signs that are setting back people’s hopes of restoration of homes, businesses and churches.

Please know of the prayers of our beloved Church in Canada — our prayers for the people, for the clergy and for you.  You have spoken of your concern for the exhaustion of spirit the clergy are feeling.  You say you are hearing a “deep weariness of the soul” in these faithful servants.  This is also a very demanding time for you as bishop.  As pastor to the pastors and all others providing pastoral care and counsel, you too must be weary.

I pray for a time when you will be able to “get out and away” for some much needed refreshment for your own soul.  I know now is not that time, but I hope it can be soon.  Until then, please know of my prayers for your safety, health and well being.  In this pledge I am joined by your sister and brother bishops and all the faithful — across Canada.

With our love in Christ Jesus,

I am,

Sincerely yours,

Fred J. Hiltz

Archbishop and Primate

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