Suzanne Lawson is the former Executive Director of Program at General Synod and has held senior positions in several voluntary health organizations. PHOTO CONTRIBUTED

Lawson to serve as consultant for Philanthropy

The Primate has appointed Suzanne Lawson consultant to General Synod’s Department of Philanthropy and Philanthropy Committee. Ms. Lawson, a former Executive Director of Program at General Synod, will help assess current philanthropic initiatives and refocus the work of philanthropy at a national level.

Suzanne Lawson is the former Executive Director of Program at General Synod and has held senior positions in several voluntary health organizations.  PHOTO CONTRIBUTED
Suzanne Lawson is the former Executive Director of Program at General Synod and has held senior positions in several voluntary health organizations. PHOTO CONTRIBUTED

“I chose her because she has a great love for the Anglican Church of Canada and our commitment to God’s mission” said the Primate, Archbishop Fred Hiltz. He also cited Ms. Lawson’s broad knowledge of church polity, financial management, and development.

Ms. Lawson will work with Interim Director of Philanthropy Vianney (Sam) Carriere, who was appointed following the resignation of Executive Director Holland Hendrix in May.

“At the end of her contract, we hope to have a firm, viable and ambitious plan to guide philanthropy through the triennium,” said Mr. Carriere, who is also General Synod’s Director of Communications.

Ms. Lawson, who currently heads a consulting practice, has held senior positions in several voluntary health organizations, including National Executive Director of ALS Canada; Executive Director of Arthritis, Ontario Division; Director of Volunteer Resources at Toronto’s Hospital for Sick Children; and several leadership positions in Ontario’s Heart and Stroke Foundation.

Ms. Lawson is also an active volunteer within the Anglican Church of Canada. Last triennium she served on General Synod’s Financial Management and Development Committee and the Council of General Synod, where she chaired the Planning and Agenda Team. She is a member of the General Synod, the Diocese of Toronto Synod, and is the only Canadian Anglican lay member at the Anglican Consultative Council.

Ms. Lawson is a member of St. Peter’s Anglican Church, Cobourg, Ont.

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