Remember to sing "Silent Night" this Sunday

Already General Synod has received “Silent Night” videos from country singers, Sunday schools, and soldiers in Kandahar. Now the question is, what contribution will your community make to the Silent Night Project?

The first Sunday in Advent, Nov. 28, is Silent Night Sunday.
The first Sunday in Advent, Nov. 28, is Silent Night Sunday.

This Sunday, Nov. 28, is the time to act. Everyone is encouraged to sing “Silent Night” and to send in videos to General Synod as part of the Silent Night Project. All videos received by Dec. 14 will be included in a documentary, to be posted online by Christmas.

Making a movie is easy. Just grab a simple video camera, arrange your group, and press record. All video formats will be accepted. Anglican Video has compiled some filming tips for your community, and encourages you to do something unique. Consider decorating your church, heading outside to a picturesque setting, or performing with unusual musical instruments.

If you’re looking for ways to integrate “Silent Night” with the rest of your service, check out the many downloadable resources:

  • Sunday School lessons
  • Sermon notes
  • Posters (black and white, colour, or colour-in posters for kids)
  • Bulletin covers (black and white or colour)

The Primate has asked that each “Silent Night” singer donate a toonie to support the ministry of Anglican military chaplains, who work alongside the women and men of the Canadian Forces. Funds from the Silent Night Project will bolster chaplains’ ministry by supporting the work of their pastoral leader, the Bishop Ordinary. Together, the Bishop Ordinary and the chaplains carry out an essential ministry: witnessing to God’s transforming power in a broken world.

The model for this project—the 2008 Amazing Grace Project—was a resounding success. Thousands of Canadian Anglicans sang and recorded themselves in downtown cathedrals, seniors’ homes, and remote outports. Over 500 videos were sent in and all were included in an award-winning documentary, Amazing Together. Although originally designed as a unity-building activity, the Amazing Grace Project also raised more than $95,000, now being used for suicide prevention work and education in northern Canada.

So raise your voice this Sunday and help make the Silent Night Project an even bigger success. For more information, visit the website, orsend an email to the General Synod’s Silent Night Project team.

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