General Synod approved first reading Saturday of a resolution that will permit the election of future National Indigenous Anglican Bishops.
The first such bishop, the Rt. Rev. Mark MacDonald, who was installed during a ceremony Friday evening, was appointed by the Primate, Archbishop Andrew Hutchison.
The resolution brings the bishop under the jurisdiction of General Synod, giving it the authority to confirm the election, consecration and resignation of such bishops. This authority usually rests with provincial synods.
This proposed amendment to the Declaration of Principles must be passed at two successive sessions of General Synod and requires the consent of four provincial synods.
First reading was also given to another resolution making the bishop a member of General Synod. This also must be approved by two successive general synods and must be referred now to all diocesan and provincial synods for consideration.
General Synod also gave first reading to a similar resolution that will permit the election of future bishops ordinary to the Canadian Forces.
The position was first authorized in 1952 and since then nine active or retired bishops have been appointed to fill it.
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