Statement from the Primate concerning Ukraine International Airlines Flight 752

This content was published more than 5 years ago. Some information may no longer be current or accurate.

Once again we are dismayed by the enormity of destruction caused when an airplane crashes and takes the lives of dozens of people in a moment. This tragedy takes on even more poignancy when those who have died lived in our communities and were our friends and neighbours.

We have all been touched by the stories and photographs of Canadians and students studying in Canada who were on Ukraine International Airlines Flight 752 that crashed outside of Tehran. Children, families, students and professors were among the victims and our hearts grieve their loss.

The darkness of grief invites us to look to Epiphany, the revelation of the light of Christ in our midst, for the possibility of hope. That hope is seen when we come together to remember, to grieve and to pray. It is seen when people of all faiths stand in solidarity across Canada especially in the provinces of British Columbia, Alberta, Manitoba, Ontario, Quebec and Nova Scotia where the victims lived.

It is seen when we offer and remember the victims and their families in our prayers, not only now but in the weeks to come as their loss is fully realized. We especially pray for the Iranian community across Canada, from among whom came many of those who died.

May the peace of God which passes all understanding hold our hearts and may the light of Christ shine in the darkness of grief reminding us of God’s presence in our midst.

+Linda Nicholls
Linda Nicholls
Archbishop and Primate
Anglican Church of Canada

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