Vision TV to air Gladys Cook video

Anglican Video’s documentary on Gladys Cook will be broadcast this fall on Vision TV through the Spirit Connection program, an award-winning television program produced by the United Church of Canada.

Gladys Cook
Gladys Cook

The documentary, Topahdewin: The Gladys Cook Story will be shown in two parts Sunday nights, part 1 will be aired on October 16 and part 2 on October 23 both at 8:30 p.m. Eastern Standard Time, Nfld 10:00 p.m., Maritime 9:30 p.m., Central 7:30 p.m., Mountain 6:30 p.m. and Pacific 5:30 p.m.

Topahdewin is a multi-faceted production by Anglican Video senior producer Lisa Barry that relates the story of Ms Cook’s life in the context of residential schools and how they affected the children sent there.

The documentary was produced by the Anglican Church of Canada as part of an initiative to memorialize the experiences of residential schools survivors. The church agreed to do this when it signed an agreement with the federal government ending litigation over the church’s role in running the schools.

In acquiring the video for broadcasting on their show, Catherine Rodd, senior producer of Spirit Connection, says that Ms Cook’s story is an inspirational story of healing and reconciliation and cuts across all denominations.

“Like the Anglican Church, the United Church of Canada is also dealing with the legacies of the residential schools…. I felt it is the right video to air on our program,” said Ms. Rodd.

Because Spirit Connection runs only for 30 minutes every Sunday, “we had to divide the documentary into two-parts,” said Ms. Rodd.

Spirit Connection focuses on stories of faith in action and profiles of people who seek to renew their communities and congregations in The United Church of Canada and around the world. The series has been on the air since 1988. About 50,000 watch the program every week.

“Although we have shared things in the past, I hope this arrangement we have made with Anglican Video will foster our relationship with the Anglican Church,” said Ms. Rodd.

For further information please contact:
Lisa Barry
Senior Producer, Anglican Video
Tel:416-924-9199ext. 295
[email protected]

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