Web Manager Hired

This website will have a new manager later this month, and development will proceed. Leanne Larmondin, staff writer with the Anglican Journal since 1993, will begin the position of web manager on January 26, 1998. This is a new, full-time staff position with the church’s information resources department.

Leanne has an extensive knowledge of the Canadian church through her work with the Journal, the Anglican Church’s national, monthly newspaper. Her major feature last year on the future of the Newfoundland fishery won a top Canadian Church Press Award.

Leanne will be working in the Resource Production Group along with Sam Carriere, editor of the periodical Ministry Matters. Expect to see online verions of both Ministry Matters and the Journal, among other new features, within the next several weeks.

We’re very grateful to Keith Nunn, of Circles and Arrows Design, who has volunteered some services to create this skeleton website over the past months, while we were beginning development.

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