Note: References to the Queen in current authorized liturgical resources will be updated to reflect the title of the succeeding monarch, His Majesty King Charles III. (See Primate’s directive, September 2022)

Questions about publications and copyright can be directed to the General Synod’s publications email account.

Prayer books

Common worship in the Anglican Church is rooted through the Book of Common Prayer, unifying liturgical practices since the 16th century. Over the centuries, the prayer book has evolved and adapted to reflect local contexts and theological developments, maintaining its foundational role while embracing diversity across countries.

The Book of Alternative Services

Book of Alternative ServicesIntroduced in 1985, the Book of Alternative Services (BAS) offers modernized liturgies and contemporary language, compared to traditional forms found in the 1962 Book of Common Prayer. Despite its name “alternative,” the BAS has become the primary worship text of the Anglican Church of Canada.

The Book of Common Prayer

Book of Alternative ServicesThe Book of Common Prayer (1962, BCP) is a revision of the 1918 Canadian Book of Common Prayer. Moveable feast dates from 2021-2040 can be found here.

Additional authorized resources

Alternative Old Testament Readings for Eastertide. Rites and prayers supplemental to the Book of Alternative Services. Authorized for use in Public Worship in The Anglican Church of Canada by resolution A123 of the 43rd General Synod, 2023.

Alternative Collects for Years A, B & C of the Revised Common Lectionary and Seasonal Prayers over the Gifts and after Communion.

List of Bible Versions Approved by the House of Bishops for use in Public Worship in the Anglican Church of Canada, on Recommendation from the Doctrine and Worship Committee. Updated in 2011.

Celebration and Blessing of a Marriage Between a Christian and a Person of Another Faith Tradition

The Deconsecration of a Sacred Space. Rites and prayers supplemental to the Book of Alternative Services. Authorized by Resolution A121 of the 43rd General Synod, 2023.

Ecumenically Agreed Liturgical Texts from the English Language Liturgical Consultation. Rites and prayers supplemental to the Book of Alternative Services. Authorized for use in public worship in The Anglican Church of Canada By General Synod Resolution A125 of the 43rd General Synod, 2023.

For All the Saints is a resource to accompany the Calendar of Holy Persons in the BAS. It includes propers for memorials, commemorations, and saints’ days, along with biographical information and primary source readings. Additions made to the BAS Calendar since the latest revision of For All the Saints (in 2007) are provided below and include resources authorized by General Synod:

Gathering Rites for the Paschal Cycle for the Paschal Season (Lent and Easter), a particularly important time in the liturgical calendar to focus on the process of initiation-into-Christ, as our communities reaffirm their own baptismal vocation and prepare to initiate new members into baptismal living in community.

Inclusive Language Liturgical Psalter and Inclusive Language Liturgical Psalter, Pointed
The Council of General Synod in March of 2019 commended the use of this Inclusive Language Liturgical Psalter, where permitted by the Ordinary.

Occasional Celebrations is a collection of resources for certain pastoral and seasonal occasional services, including additional funeral rites, celebrations of new ministries, and home blessing rites.

Pastoral Liturgies for Journeys of Gender Affirmation and Transition. Rites and prayers supplemental to the Book of Alternative Services. Authorized by Resolution A122, General Synod 2023 for use where permitted by the Ordinary.

Pray Without Ceasing: Morning and Evening Prayer for the Seasons of the Church Year and for Ordinary Time.

Prayers for Reconciliation with the Jewish Peoples. Rites and prayers supplemental to the Book of Alternative Services. Authorized for use in public worship in The Anglican Church of Canada By Resolutions A051 and A126 of the 43rd General Synod, 2023

Public Distribution of Holy Communion by Deacons and Lay People is a collection of guidelines and liturgies prepared by the Doctrine and Worship Committee of the Anglican Church of Canada. This resource provides a temporary solution to the growing need for weekly gathering around book and table, word and sacrament, when a priest is not available.

Revised Common Lectionary Daily Readings, a devotional lectionary based on the Sunday three year cycle of The Revised Common Lectionary. Rites and prayers supplemental to the Book of Alternative Services. Commended for use by Resolution A124 of the the 43rd General Synod, 2023

Supplementary Eucharistic Prayers, Services of the Word, and Night Prayer is the most substantial addition to the BAS. Authorized by General Synod in 2001, it contains additional rites for Sunday services.

Thanksgiving Over the Water  for All Saints’ Day/Sunday and Baptism of the Lord.


Certain liturgies from the BAS and supplements have also been translated:

From the Diocese of Montreal, Liturgical resources in English and French.