The General Synod 2019 resolution to Memorialize the Apology of 1993 and the Covenant of 1994 notes: “In memorializing the Apology and Covenant, it was felt the two needed to be separate, with a day set apart for each. The Apology itself was delivered in 1993 and came after three solid days of survivors pouring out their stories of abuses that occurred while in residential schools. Stories of loss of culture, language, spirituality and heritage dominated time at the Sacred Circle Convocation. For three solid days it poured and it felt like being in darkness. After the apology by the Primate, the sun and light returned. The sacred gathering concluded with an outdoor Eucharist and the soaring eagle reminded the gathered of the Creator’s love and presence. At that same gathering, Elders accepted the apology and agreed to work together on the goals of healing and reconciliation.“


“Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here!” 2 Corinthians 5:17


Creator God,
from you every family in heaven and on earth takes its name.
You have grounded us in your covenant love,
and empowered us by your Spirit to speak the truth in love,
and to walk in your way towards justice and wholeness.
Mercifully grant that your people,
journeying together in partnership,
may be strengthened and guided
to help one another grow into the full stature of Christ,
who is our light and our life. Amen.


Joshua 1:1-9; Psalm 107:1-16;
2 Corinthians 4:5-9; John 16:7-9

Prayer over the Gifts

Creator God,
accept all we offer you this day
as you accepted us and brought us from darkness into light.
May we, who receive these holy things
be found living in the light and come to maturity in you
through our brother Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

Prayer after Communion

Reconciling and loving Creator,
you bring us from the darkness of sin and confusion into light and life.
May we who receive these holy things respond to your call
by bringing others to the light of your life.
This we ask in the name of our brother, Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

Theological reflection

Joshua was the successor to Moses and his task was to lead the people into the Promised Land after their exile in Egypt. In the wilderness the people of God learned to trust in the One who saved them. Joshua reminded the Israelites the Lord would be with them wherever they go.

The psalmist asks the redeemed to tell their story of moving from darkness to light. Indigenous people lived in the darkness of colonization and establishment of the Residential Schools. Those who left the schools returned feeling lost and still in darkness. Losses of language, culture and spirituality continue to keep people in darkness but the light brought by the official apology brought hope.

In the second letter to the Ephesians, Paul reminds us that we will struggle with all kinds of challenges. Rather than being defeated by darkness, we turn to the light of Christ who makes his light shine through us.

In the Gospel, we are reminded that we are not alone in our struggles in life. Jesus fulfilled His promise and sent the Comforter, the Holy Spirit, who brings us to light, life and deeper faith.