As approved by the Council of General Synod, May 2005


Those who lead many to righteousness shall shine like the stars forever. Daniel 12:3


O God, by whose grace Emily Ayckbowm
became a light in your Church:
may we like her devote ourselves
to the fulfillment of your will
in a life of adoration and service;
through Jesus Christ your Son,
our Lord, who lives and reigns
with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
one God, for ever and ever. Amen.


I John 4:7-12
Psalm 34:1-8
Refrain: Taste and see that the Lord is good.
Matthew 25: 31-40

Prayer over the Gifts

Eternal God, grant that we who hear your word may be always faithful to our vocation and ministry for the Church of God. We ask this in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord.

Proper Preface of a Saint

Prayer after Communion

Loving God, may we, like Emily, see the face of your Son in all whom we meet, worshipping and serving you until that day when we see you face to face. We ask this through Jesus Christ our Lord.


Mother Emily Ayckbowm founded the Community of the Sisters of the Church (CSC) in 1870 to proclaim the Love of God to the People of God. She was a pioneer who challenged Victorian Society for the sake of all who were seen as marginal. She offered dignity as well as practical help, and was a controversial figure in her day for doing so. Under the patronage of St. Michael and the angels, the CSC are reminded that their calling is both to prayer and active ministry, giving witness to God’s concern for the whole human life, women, men and children, and the reconciliation and redemption of all God’s creation.

The CSC are a Religious community for women in full communion with the Anglican Church, with a Mother House is at Ham Common, Richmond in England. Women in Canada, England, Australia and the Solomon Islands bring the richness of their different cultures when they unite to form C.S.C. The Community has pioneered work in Christian education, child care, social welfare and mission work. In Canada today, Mother Emily’s vision is lived out in St. Michael’s House in Oakville, where the Sisters of the Church blend contemplation and action in their lives of individual and corporate prayer and by their ministries of hospitality, education, retreats, spiritual direction and pastoral counselling.

The Ministry and Worship Working Group of Faith, Worship and Ministry applied the principles and guidelines for Calendar Revision adopted by the Anglican Consultative Council in 1993 in discerning the inclusion of Mother Emily Ayckbowm in the BAS Calendar of Holy Persons.
