Algoma Deanery Clericus Group 1

Loving and gracious God, Thank you for the gift of your love as we have experienced it through your Church. Give us the strength and wisdom to reconcile our differences and divisions locally and throughout the world. Help us to acknowledge and be guided by the presence of your Holy Spirit. We ask this in … Continued

Algoma Deanery Clericus Group 2

O God, let us be true friends of Christ and of each other, and in the fullness of your love guide us so that your will may be done and your love may be known throughout the world and to the end of time. Amen.

Algoma Deanery Clericus Group 3

Ever-present God, you make known your compassion and care in times of greatest need. Direct our gaze to horizons of hope that, confident in your promises, we may bear the fruit of unity and love for the sake of the world. We ask this in the name of the One who calls us friends, Jesus … Continued

Church of the Epiphany, Sudbury

A LITANY FOR LENT The Church of the Epiphany, 2019 Following Sudbury’s Church of the Epiphany’s Ash Wednesday service, all were invited to participate in the Primate’s Heartbeat of the HEARTBEAT OF THE CHURCH program. Our conversation circle engaged in discussion about how God has touched our hearts and shared our prayers for the Church. … Continued

Church of The Redeemer, Thessalon Ont.

Spirit that loves us and lives with us. Teach us to love, to give, to share, and to hope. Let us find peace in community, respect for our world and joy in all the gifts you so generously give us. We pray “Thank you Jesus” AMEN

Deanery of Algoma

Loving God, we give thanks for our various experiences in the church and for your abiding presence, through moments of affirmation and times of struggle. We ask for the guidance of your Holy Spirit to help us as we step forward in faith. In Jesus name we pray. Amen

Deanery of Algoma

Father, We ask for your help in ever-increasing our love for others, accepting what and who are part of your creation. Guide us in leading our church to unity-to reconcile all things and all people to you and to each other. Thank you for constant loving presence and this opportunity to pray and reflect with … Continued

Deanery of Algoma

Dear Lord our Creator. Thank you for the gift of life, fellowship and for being our anchor. Please guide us to walk in your way and help us to notice the good things that are happening in your church, and in the world. Amen

Deanery of Thunder Bay – North Shore

During our recent Deanery Council Meeting several small Conversation Circles took place and the following prayers were submitted: We pray that we will be faithful and welcoming, continuing to bear fruit as we share the love of Christ. Amen. We pray that our church continues to grow and continues to be inclusive and accepting of … Continued

Diocese of Algoma Synod

We pray that God will lead us into growth through creative and prayerful endeavours and missions, and respectful relationships that will foster unity in Christ. Amen. Despite our diversity, we pray that we may have unity through inclusiveness without fear. Amen. Almighty God, You hear the deepest yearnings of our hearts. May we hear you, … Continued

Diocese of Algoma’s Archbishop’s Council retreat

God of infinite love, you call us by name and we are yours. Give us listening hearts and deep desire to be faithful friends of your Christ, that chosen, appointed, and sent by him we may be a living testimony to the gospel, knowing and making known the unity, peace, and hope born of you, … Continued

Holy Trinity Anglican Church, Sault Ste. Marie

  Heavenly Father, we give you thanks for the willingness of our church to tackle difficult issues which face our society and challenge our biblical beliefs. Give our clergy wisdom, understanding and patience as they minister to us in our difficulties. Help us to love and accept our brothers and sisters in the church as … Continued

Prayer 1: Gravenhurst/Barkway/Bala

God who chooses us and appoints us to bear fruit, increase in us energy and vitality to care for one another, accept the gifts of those you bring us, and deepen our involvement in the wider community, that all people may find in us your warm welcome. We ask this through Jesus Christ our Hope.