“There will be no peace among the nations without peace among the religions. There will be no peace among the religions without dialogue among the religions.”

Theologian Hans Küng

Canada is an increasingly pluralistic country, and more and more Canadians are living, working, and socializing side by side with people of other religious traditions. For Christians, there is a growing need not just for dialogue with people of other faiths, but for genuine relationships with them. Increased awareness of religious plurality, the potential role of religion in conflict, and the growing place of religion in public life all present urgent challenges that require greater understanding and cooperation among people of diverse faiths.

The Anglican Church of Canada pursues formal dialogue with people of other faiths together with the other member churches of the Canadian Council of Churches. We also participate in the Canadian Interfaith Conversation, which gathers representatives of different religious groups who believe that people of faith can contribute positively to the benefit of all people in Canadian society.

Interfaith resources

  • A Common Word Canada – A Canadian resource hub for promoting Christian Muslim dialogue according to the model proposed by the international movement “A Common Word Between Us and You”
  • From Darkness to Dawn – A study program about rethinking Christian attitudes towards Jews and Judaism in light of the Holocaust.
  • The Scarboro Foreign Missions Society, based in Toronto, has a long-standing involvement in interfaith and multi faith engagement. This website is full of resources to nurture and strengthen interfaith relations. These include materials for schools & youth groups, peace–building, ecology & social justice, prayer & meditation, colleges & universities, interfaith toolkits, young adults, Golden Rule and bi-lateral dialogues.