
Welcome members to the group.
Opening prayer

Introduction to this session

Christians have traditionally looked to the scriptures and to the church’s teachings as important and authoritative sources for understanding human sexuality. The church is seen as having a voice within the dialogue about sexual morality.

This session will provide an opportunity to take a look at the church’s beliefs and attitudes regarding human sexuality and how these have changed. We will do this by looking at a rite that speaks directly to the church’s purpose for human sexuality, the marriage ceremony. We will then talk about our own experiences of the church’s messages and actions regarding sexuality and sexual morality.

Remind people of their norms.


Looking at our experiences of church teachings and practices about human sexuality

Discussion A: For groups where members are of diverse ages

Organize participants into small groups by the decade they were born. Discuss the following questions in groups with your generational group.

  • What messages are you hearing from the church about sex?
  • How are these messages shared or taught?
  • Have these messages and teachings changed since you were young? In what ways?
  • In what ways have the church’s teaching and practices been helpful to you? In what ways have they been challenging or difficult?

Share your responses with the larger group.

Discussion B: For groups where members are of similar age

Discuss the following questions in groups of 2 or 3 people that you are not related to.

  • What are some of the earliest messages you remember hearing from the church about sex?
  • How were these messages shared or taught?
  • Have these messages and teachings changed since you were young? In what ways?
  • In what ways have the church’s teaching and practices been helpful to you? In what ways have they been challenging or difficult?

Share your responses with the larger group.

Summary questions:

  • From our perspectives and experiences, what are the church’s major teachings about sex? How were these teachings communicated?

Looking at church practices through history

Marriage Rites: 1549 (first English Prayer Book)

Further (preparatory) readings:

  • Jamie Howison “Changing Attitudes: A Look at Our Marriage Liturgies 1662 to the Book of Alternative Services”
  • An amended version of John McNab’s writing in the Proceedings of the National Consultation on Marriage 1987: from “Changes in Prayer Book understandings of marriage” to page 17 the end of the second last paragraph.
  • Eric Beresford “The History and Theology of Sexuality
  • Rene Jamieson “Anglican History and Tradition

In small groups:

Divide into groups each with a different liturgy. Answer the following questions for the marriage rite your group has.

  • What words or phrases jumped out at you?
  • What do you hear the church saying — or implying — about human relationships, sexuality, and sexual practice in this rite? (e.g. in marriages, in relationships outside of marriage, in relationships other than marriage)
  • What do you find easy to read? What is difficult for you to hear? Why?

Share responses with the larger group.

Questions for the whole group to reflect on:

  • What messages about human relationships, sexuality, and sexual practice have stayed constant throughout the years?
  • What has changed? Why do you think these changes have been made?
  • What are the gifts of our church’s teachings regarding sex and human sexuality? How do we best express and share these within the church and with others in society?

Ending (see the Basic Programme Outline)

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