The Canadian Church Historical Society exists to promote the scholarly study of history of the Church in Canada, with a special interest in the Anglican Church.

The Canadian Church Historical Society was established in 1949 by the General Synod of the Anglican Church in Canada. The CCHS Board consisted of members of the General Synod Archives Committee with representatives from all four ecclesiastical provinces.  For many years, the CCHS held its meetings and gave reports at General Synod.

Currently, the Canadian Church Historical Society is a General Synod Committee with Terms of Reference in the General Synod Handbook and a member of the Council of General Synod sitting on its Committee.

In 1950, the Canadian Church Historical Society started a Journal to publish papers on church history, the development of the Anglican Archives, and the history of the Anglican Church of Canada.  Since then, The Journal of the Canadian Church Historical Society has developed into a highly regarded peer-review journal, which is published once a year.  For information about submitting to the Journal click on the Journal tab beneath the header.

General Synod Archives

The General Synod Archives has had close ties with the CCHS since the hiring of the first General Synod Archivist, in 1955. Part of the job description was to co-operate with the Canadian Church Historical Society in promoting interest in the history of the Anglican Church of Canada.  Since then the General Synod Archivist has had some role with the CCHS.

CCHS Executive

President:  The Rt. Rev. Dr. Terry Brown
Vice President:  Vacant
Secretary-Treasurer: Laurel Parson
Editor of the Journal: Dr. Thomas Power
Member at Large: The Rev. Dr. Alan Hayes
General Synod Archivist: Laurel Parson